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Cialis To Be Marketed For Prostate Health

Over on BNET.com’s Drug Marketing blog, leading pharmaceutical advertising expert Jim Edwards has picked up on drug manufacturer Lilly’s latest plans to market erectile dysfunction medicine Cialis for use in men with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate. BPH is a common problem in older men, and can lead to prostate cancer if left untreated.

The news was quietly delivered in Lilly’s recent presentation to Wall Street analysts, where the firm also revealed predictions that sales of Cialis will overtake sales of Viagra by the end of 2011.

In the US and Europe, approximately 50% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction also suffer from BPH, and by marketing their existing medicine for BPH treatment, Lilly hopes that Cialis will be able to offer a simple, once a day medicine for treating both illnesses at once.

Studies carried out by Lilly have indicated that Cialis can help sufferers of BPH, although at this stage there is still little indication as to if it is the medicine itself that proves beneficial or the increased sexual activity.

If you are a man suffering from erectile dysfunction, have you encountered prostate problems at the same time? Do you think that taking a single medicine to treat several problems is a good idea? Post a comment below and get involved in the ongoing debate about erectile dysfunction treatments and their marketing.